
come together


This is amazing views

I hope you can enjoy my blog.

This is autumn

enjoy your self in this blog

sunny scene :)

lovely views, right?.

lush vista

Let's go there together next time.

31 March 2013

Jungle Town

Every holiday I go swim with my parents and of course with my brother. At that time I was swimming in the Jungle Town. Jungle town is near with my home. We go there by car. We went from our home at 8 AM. We played water and had race of swimming with my brother. I can do breast stroke, back stroke and butterfly, but I think that butterfly more difficult to learn where as breast stroke more easy to learn. Swimming is my hobby because swimming can health our body, and there are many benefit when we swim, and swim means can keep healthy and can save ourselves in some serious situation when we are in the water.

In the Jungle Town there are many foods courts, they sell many meals videlicet ice-cream, pop mie, grilled chicken, spaghetti, etc. And there are many slide, ember tumpah, balloons which the inside is air and we can go inside. My brother and I try to play slide, firstly I was scared to try it because I was afraid with height, but my brother inspirit try to slide, he made me sure to the slide. About 10 minutes later I try to sit in the slide, suddenly from my bottom my brother pushes me until I slide, I so scared but it is fun. My brother and father just laugh me, and I shy because I look like coward. But now I bold to slide. We also tried ember tumpah, we stand under it and we waited in there until water go down, it so engrossed, I hooked to try ember tumpah again. There are also heated pool, and children pool. Heated pool matched for relaxed. Height of children pool about my knee until my feet, so it match for 3 ages, and it is saved because we can rent buoy. If you can't swim you can use this buoy. We so happy because we can swim in there. I swim just with my brother and my father, and my mother just sat in the chair. She can't swim, so she decided to stay in there. After we swim we go to eat, we eat in the food court.

No felt it was at 4 PM, so we took a bath in there. And we got ready to back home. And we were tired because we played and swim all day. It so tired day, but I happy.


Last time in my holiday. I went to my grandparents. My grandparents lived in Jogjakarta. Do you know Jogjakarta? Jogjakarta in central java. I went to sleman village by car with my father, mother, and my brother. My brother's name is Reza Aji Nur Pratama. You can call him Reza. At that time we were fasting, but we keep spirit to walked in the kaliurang. There were many seller to sell bacem, ell, meat ball, etc. Actually we were very hungry because smelling of the meals. But we were steadfast to face about it. And we weren't hungry again when we saw beautiful waterfall, and lovely views in there. We saw river with cool water in there. We also saw park and garden in there. In the park me with my brother played swing, although at that time I was Senior High School. I was so Childish. I like to play swing, hahaha

After we played swing in the park, we continued my trip. We went to waterfall. We take a picture in there, but my mother won't take a picture in there because she was very tired so she decided to stop in the middle of our trip. My brother and I played water in there. We so happy because we never played water under waterfall previous.

In kaliurang there are swimming pool, but the swimming pool was full of people because it is weekend. And we weren't swimming in there because we didn't bring swimsuit, towel, soap and shampoo, so we decided to continued our trip.We walked around in kaliurang, we saw merapi mount in there. We rent field glasses to see merapi mount. We were very happy and we weren't tired and hungry. The weather so cold because located of kaliurang is highland area. There are many villas. In java language the meaning of kali is river, and urang is shrimp. So kaliurang is shrimp river. When you go to Jogjakarta you must visit kaliurang. You will be chagrined if you did not visit kaliurang. You will be pampered with beautiful views, cool weather, and delicious meal in there especially about traditional meals. You must try to eat bacem and other traditional meals. You can go there by car, motorcycle, bus and other transportation. If you tired walk around in there you can stay at villa. Kaliurang also has historical story, Long time ago Kaliurang was used to negotiation between Republik Indonesia with Komisi Tiga Negara at 13 January 1948.

30 March 2013

traditional dance

Hello guys, in this time I will tell about traditional dance. Before it, I want to ask for you, Do you know how to dance "4 Penari" ? It is dance from Semarang. And Fortunately I come from Semarang so I know about traditional dance in Semarang especially for "4 Penari" dance. In high school I ever follow traditional dance combine with drama and Papua dance. But I think that my video very bad because cameramen not perceptive to take our dance. Although It is bad video but I proud because I can do traditional dance it means that I conserve about Traditional of Indonesia. We just need a week to make concept of this video.

This is the story from my video. Firstly there are many resident of Papua dance about "Yangko rambe Yamko" when resident of Papua enjoy dance suddenly resident of Semarang come she said "kula nggih saged nari kados sampeyan" (I can dance like you). So resident of Semarang show their dance. They dance about "4 Penari". When they enjoy their dance suddenly one of them get sprain. So that resident of Papua laugh them, they said that how pity you are. When they disagree one another, ambulance come to help person whose sprain. And One of volunteer arbitrate resident of Semarang and resident of Papua. Finally We apologize one another because we are one country. One for All, All for One. That is our slogan. We must appreciate all of distinction, like religion, culture, native language, race, and tribe. Because Indonesia is archipelago state so that Indonesia has many distinction. As resident of Indonesia we must appreciate about that and we must conserve our native habits, traditional dance, traditional food, etc. And we mustn't see that our region is the best, since we are same, we are resident of Indonesia, we have one destination, we have same fate etc. And We have Pancasila to unite all of distinction, Pancasila teach that although we are different one another but we are one. I proud to be resident of Indonesia, because Indonesia is rich state, rich of religion, culture, native language, race, and tribe.

And this is my video when I am dancing combine with Yangko rambe yangko and drama. So bad video, but it is funny. And can add your knowledge about traditional dance especially 4 penari traditional dance from Semarang and yangko rambe yangko traditionl dance from Papua.


Halooww guys, commonly I will tell you about my experience. This time I will tell you about Bali. I believe that you all certainly know bali, right? Bali is island which famous, Bali famous with all beautiful views especially beach in there, culture in there, traditional food. Bali also famous with traditional dance like kecak. Do you know kecak dance? I ever saw kecak dance. I saw kecak dance at GWK. I certain that you don't know GWK, hahaha.. Oke, I will inform you, GWK is Garuda  Wisnu Kencana. There is the place to show about traditional dance from Bali. The views in GWK so beautiful, we can see around Bali from there. Because Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) was located in place which higher then other place. So we can see from there. In GWK we can find giant statue of Wisnu God. In front of Wisnu God's statue there are many dancer to dance about kecak dance. My prediction that the dancer about 50 people. There are many people around the area for dance. They raise their hand while say "cak cak cak". And they so unified to propel themselves. They propel their selves on the right side and left side. They also stand up with advanced and retreat. It is so unique scenes, you must see this dance. In the other side when the dancer unified to propel, there is other dancer to dance about ramayana's story. This is the story of ramayana

One day live beautiful girl, she is very famous in her village, she is diligent, smart and kind. Her name is Shinta. One day he meet handsome man, he is smart and strong. His name is Rama. Rama and Shinta fall in love each other. Suddenly dasa muka come to kidnap Shinta, because dasa muka jealous with Rama and dasa muka fall in love with Shinta too. Dasa muka will get married with Shinta but Rama thwart the plan of Dasamuka. Rama fight with Dasamuka too help Shinta. Finally Rama can help Shinta from Dasamuka. I remember there is anoman in there but I don't understand about it. I forget the story when anoman come. I think that anoman help Rama to fight Dasamuka. 

After We finish see this traditional dance we take a picture with dancer, we scramble to take a picture with dancer. And I very happy when I get picture with one of dancer. I will go there to see this dance again, because kecak dance is good, if we like to see kecak dance it means that we conserve with traditional dance.

29 March 2013

Love love and love

Sands of Love

I want to walk with you
Hand in hand, along the soft sand.
Holding you tightly to me, as we softly caress
To be into you, and you into me
To a depth neither wants controlled
To love as we never knew
A love so caring, passionate, tender and true
As we lay on the soft sand

~ Love is more kinds, but what is very safe and a eternal is love which come from the door of sweetheart.~


Long Distance in Relationship

Sunrise in your eyes
Sunset in your heart
These lingering moments
Those thoughts after
Silence and distance
I feel you in my heart

                                 ~Love is trembling happiness~

28 March 2013

My Extracurricular

In Senior High School and Junior High School I follow extracurricular. Named PMR. I have unforgettable experience. Because I get many knowledge from this extracurricular. I take Pertolongan Pertama (PP) or first aid. I lean about how to help people if we in serious situation. I learn to help people who has accident, struck of animals poisonous, fracture, etc. First I will tell you how to give first aid for victim of fracture in his forearm, We must agile to prediction the fracture, whether this is extroverted fracture or enclosed fracture. If it is extroverted fracture so we must use "mitela donat" to discover the bone, because there is sticking bone when some one have extroverted fracture. Then give pad on the right side and left side of forearm. After that give splint in the right and left side. Sheaf the splint and pad with "mitela". And pick-aback on your shoulder. Differentiate extroverted and enclosed fracture from utilization "mitela donat". When we overcome enclosed fracture we mustn't use "mitela donat" because there is no sticking bone in there. We enough use mitela, pad and splint to sheaf it.

In my Senior High School I be KKR, Do you know KKR? KKR is Kader Kesehatan Remaja. I be in charge to stay in posyandu. In Posyandu I review about weigh and high a lot of children then measure tension of people. I post this information in book. Every week children come to be examined so that development and growth of children can be discovered. This is the picture when I was stay in posyandu with my friends.

 I ever make palanquin too in this extracurricular. I learn to make it because when we will helpsome one we can use it to carry some one to go safe place. At first I can't make palanquin but step by step I can make this. I very happy when I know the manner How to make palanquin. This is learn from I follow scout extracurricular. This is the picture when I and my Friends make palanquin.

Every Week we clean school, cut the grasses, sweep the floor, burn the trush, etc. We so tired but we happy to do this. We have slogan, there is "SIAMO TUTTI FRATELLI INTERARMACARITAS, One for all, all for one". And every we finish extracurricular we always say that. We are so unified. We always corps in all conditional

My dream

In this time I desire to tell you about my dream. I will go to ranu kumbolo lake. Because last month I saw 5 centimeter in 21 with my friend. I saw the view of 5 centimeter very amazing especially ranu kumbolo lake. And the scenes in there very romantic and beautiful  I have dream to go there with my boy friend or with my family. I want to go there to camp on the ranu kumbolo lake. I have idea to stay there about 2 week, we must build tent in there to be shelter from extreme weather and to get meal or drink we must look for around the ranu kumbolo. In the night we must use branch to make fire for warming ourselves, we can around the fire and sing a song with guitar music, because my brother very smart to play guitar.  I want to swim in the ranu kumbolo too because my hobby is swimming, I can do back stroke and breast stroke. And I like to take a picture in there, because I believe that the view in ranau kumbolo are goods for my background for my photos. I estimate that the weather in there so cold, so we must prepare a lot of jackets and blanket. If I have boy friend I will invite him to go there. And I will prepare table, two chairs, vase of rose, and candles on edge of ranau kumbolo lake. Because I want to dinner in there, hahaha :D (LOL). It is just my dream.

For your information, Last time ago ranau kumbolo lake was form eruption of bromo mount and terrible quake. So form big cavity and river. There is wellspring, and than water was flow down following the river, and over time this cavity full of water. And edge of lake was growth of "Ranau" so the resident call this place "danau ranau" or ranau lake.

If I be permitted to build home around the lake I will build home in there. I will build wooden house in there, so that my home can fused with natural views in there. I will invite my daughter, son and my husband to stay there in the future. I believe that we can be happy family and my daughter and son of course so enjoy stay in this home. I have many plan about ranau kumbolo lake. Hopefully my dream can be reached.

27 March 2013

Ayamaru Lake

Ayamaru Lake is one lake located in the province of West Papua. Ayamaru lake located in the District Ayamaru Maybrat district about 216 kilometers west of Sorong. Maybrat District was formed pursuant to Law no. 13 of 2009 on the establishment of Maybrat District, Papua Province.
Lake Village Segior splitting Ayamaru unfolds, Woman, Mefkajem, Kartapura, Mapura, Yukase, Karetubun and Kampung Kali Jitmau and empties into Kais, District Inanawatan, South Sorong regency and partly into Bintuni.
Ayamaru Society has a number of local wisdom associated with the presence of the lake. They believe the spirits of their ancestors inhabit this lake, and give the source of life for a number of derivatives in the form of fish that live in the lake. Therefore, before sailing on the lake for fishing or traveling to other villages, they had permission to ancestral spirits. The yield of fish and shrimp in the lake was so much going on in 1990-1996, believed to be the ancestors delivery. When the ancestors feel cared for, they will give the results to the local population abundance.
Lake Ayamaru is the ancestral heritage for Maybrat major tribes with 12 genera in it, such as clan Solossa, Jitmau, Kambuaya, Lemauk, and Howae. All clan obliged to preserve the lake by not cutting down trees around it because according to their trust, felling trees with shaved hair and shave her ancestors who inhabited the area. Land believed to be the ancestors of the body while the trees as a hair and beauty trimmer ancestors and lakes as sustenance bestowed ancestors to descendants.
Historically, Lake Ayamaru plays an important role in the socio-economic life of the people around the lake either from the transport sector, tourism and fisheries sectors. Historically, Lake Ayamaru traditionally has functioned as a means of traffic of residents prior to any land and air transport to link the villages around the district Ayamaru. Than as a means of transportation, the lake is also a buffer Ayamaru water resources for people and life around him especially because Lake Ayamaru fisheries sector is rich in various kinds of ornamental fish of high economic value. Ornamental fish consists of a variety of colors like reddish, yellow white head and black body and forked tail four. However, not only ornamental fish are in this lake but there are also carp, betik, Satar, Salamande, cork, catfish, tilapia, Sepat, nine black fish, snails lake and some kind of shrimp (kind of red shrimp, yellow shrimp and blue).
In addition to the fishery resource, the lake is also a place which layover Ayamaru Flamingo birds in the intercontinental migration from the continent of Asia to Australia or vice versa. Lake Ayamaru also still rich biodiversity of flora and fauna, among others there are plants, ethnobotany, medicinal plants, wildlife mammals, birds, butterflies, amphibians, reptiles, soil fauna and aquatic and terrestrial insects.
However, the fisheries resources of Lake Ayamaru who entered the territory adminsistration Maybrat District of West Papua are threatened with extinction due to declining water level of the lake has receded about up to about 50 feet even since the last few years most of the area of ​​the lake has dried up, a swamp and a few certain areas have overgrown shrubs / grasses. One cause of the decrease in the surface water of the lake is a good sedimentation that occurs due to natural factors or due to human activities around the lake such as logging and mining activities. In addition to its conditions, fisheries resources in Lake Ayamaru also threatened with extinction due to uncontrolled fishing by fishermen traditionally. This is unfortunate because it is socially lake biota is one of the contact material between the community and the traditional barter system (kona), particularly the border region between regions.
Environmental conditions in the vicinity of Lake Ayamaru not independent of the status of land cover especially the border lakes. In sempadan lake land cover conditions greatly affect the condition of the lake. For example, more and more open land on the border of the lake, it can be expected that the condition will experience pengdangkalan lake due to sedimentation. Therefore, to see the condition of land cover in the vicinity of Lake Ayamaru, the spatial analysis in the buffer area of ​​100 feet on the lake border with Map Image MIH Ayamaru 2010. Based on the analysis, obtained by the lake border area covering 176.69 hectares. From the vast border, approximately 67.87 hectares (38.41 percent) land cover in the form of open land, 48.12 hectares (27.23 percent) of the water body and the rest of the bush area of ​​35.01 hectares (19.82 percent) and mixed garden area of ​​25.68 hectares (14.53 percent). In the border area is 100 meters, there is no more forest land cover in the form of primary and secondary forest. It shows the area around the lake is an area of ​​development Ayamaru including fast when compared with other regions. This is indicated by the amount of open land and mixed farms in the border area of ​​the lake.

Raja Ampat

Indonesia has a very beautiful nature; one of them is Raja Ampat Papua. These sights are the best in the world, either of natural beauty, cultural richness and various kinds’ marine life that are here. We are very proud to have known Raja Ampat by foreign countries.
Raja Ampat in West Papua’s isolated location. It saves a million beauties beneath the sea. Raja Ampat marine tourism is recognized as one of the 10 best diving in the world.
Charm and richness of the underwater world becomes a mainstay of Raja Ampat regency through the competitive world of tourism in Indonesia and the world. This region is known as the center of the richest natural resources in the tropical world.
This district has 610 islands. Four of them, namely Pulau Misool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo, the larger islands. From all over the island, only 35 islands are inhabited. Islands are uninhabited and mostly do not have a name.
Known as the the Four Kings, is an archipelago comprising over 1,500 small islands, cays and shoals surrounding the four main islands of Misool, Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo. It encompasses more than 8.3 million acres (33,750 km²) of land and sea and is roughly 150 x 225 kimometers! It is a part of the newly named West Papua (province) of Indonesia which was formerly Irian Jaya. The area is vast and covers the size of Denmark. Transportation is only possbible by sea or air.
Kri Island is closest to the biggest King: Waigeo – famous for its birdlife and it’s also there where the French naturalists Jean René Constant Quoy and Joseph Paul found the first Black Tip Reef shark in 1824 – A short 30 min. boat ride from here!

26 March 2013

Bukit Doa Tomohon

Bukit Doa Tomohon new iconic religious tourism Tomohon and North Sulawesi. Equipped with various facilities such as playgrounds, pool, chapel, a meeting place open and the other with background views of Mount Lokon, Bukit Doa Tomohon has the belle of the North Sulawesi. Located in a strategic position right on the other side of the hill stands the height Tomohon typical prayer with religious tourism. They want to present to different adventure, not just a tour, but also a longing for a moment in silent prayer in this place. Seen all public facilities including toilets well maintained, the manager in charge of hiring more employees to secure and clean up all the tourist facilities so that the impression is convenient for the visitors, there were just traveled and conduct spiritual activities.
Hundreds of churches Christian; usually use this place to commemorate some event of religious worship.
Continues to the back of the hall, we can find a large cave where the rear Maria cave water flows naturally out of the crevices of the stones of the mountain. A large statue is decorated with various colorful water plants the main attraction for visitors. Even in this place many Catholics used to pray.
Right in front of the cave Maria, we can find a long hallway, dimly lit which will bring us close look at the procession miniature cross of Jesus Christ. In front of the hall, there are some great pool with natural water mountains where different types of freshwater fish live and swim happily.
Watching a few places in the area hillside location this immense prayer makes every visitor recreation not only satisfied, but also satisfied enjoy various religious adventure is in place.

What facilities are there at the Prayer Hill complex. Starting from the entrance you will see:
1. Outbound Arena adjacent to the Cafe Moyaporong.
2. Cafe (Diner) Moyaporong. In this cafe, view Mount Lokon is clear without any obstructions. It is recommending taste Ubi Goreng Krispy and Pisang Goreng. There are also soft-drink or coffee specialties Tomohon.
3. Garden Parking broad-front way to AlamandaRetreat.
4. Raw Retreat toward the Alamanda Garden Parking. Alamanda is a facility to stay as well as any venue that can accommodate 100 people. The place may be rented lodging groups of at least 30 people or families. Available room types, superior, deluxe and standard. To group per person per night cost 200 thousand is included three meals and two snacks.
5. Pecan Minishop, you need snacks, and drinks and souvenirs can be purchased at this Minishop.
6. Chapel "Wedding" Mother of Mary.
7. Amphitheater: used for "performance art"
8. Cafe Mahawu: food and beverages are available and can be used for meetings.
9. Cave Mahawu: often used for Worship.
10. Cave Mary or The Grotto of Mary
11. Makam Jesus
12. Taman Pieta
13. Via Dolorosa: to hold a worship of the Cross are required to enter the South entrance because it starts from the door.
14. Kelong Garden: located on the right before you enter the first door. The place is often hired to "outdoor wedding".


Bunaken island is an area of 8.08 km ² in the Bay of Manado, which is located in the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Around Bunaken Bunaken marine park which is part of the Bunaken National Park. This marine park has one of the highest marine biodiversities in the world. A scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of 75,265 hectares with five islands in it: Manado Tua Island, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Mantehage island with some small islands surrounded it, and Naen Island. Although the area covers 75,265 hectares, the diving location  is limited in each of the five beaches that surround the islands.

Bunaken marine park has 20 diving points with the depths vary up to 1344 meters. Of the 20 diving points, 12 diving points are located around Bunaken Island. These 12 divng spots are the most frequently visited by divers and lovers of the beauty of underwater scenery.

Most of the 12 diving points in Bunaken Island are lined up from the southeast to the northwest of the island. In this region there are underwater great walls, also called hanging walls, or walls of the giant rock that stood vertically and curved upward. This rock wall is also a source of food for fish around Bunaken Island.

This region is considered as having  characteristics of sea biologicaladvantages. Biologists call the types of vegetation in the mangrove forests of Bunaken National Park as Rhizophora sp, Sonneratia sp, sp Lumnitzera and Bruguiera sp. The forest is rich in various kinds of crabs, shrimps, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as seagulls, storks, sea peagon, and sea Heron. Types of algae found in this national park include Caulerpa sp, Halimeda sp, and Padina sp. Seagrass in the Montehage Island, and the Nain Island thalatsia, hemprichii, enhallus acoroides, and thalassodendra ciliatum. Bunaken National Park was proposed to be included in the natural world heritage list or in the UNESCO world heritage.

If you like snorkeling and diving, Bunaken marine park is one of places you should visit.

25 March 2013

keraton yogyakarta

Ngayogyakarta Kraton or Sultan Palace is the official palace of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta is now located in the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Although the sultanate has officially become part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950, this palace building complex still serves as a residence sultan and palace households are still running the imperial tradition until today. This palace is now also one of the attractions in the city of Yogyakarta. Most of the palace complex is a museum that holds various collections of the empire, including a variety of gifts from the kings of Europe, replica heritage palace, and gamelan. In terms of the building, this palace is one example of Javanese palace architecture at its best, has a luxurious hall-hall and extensive grounds and pavilions.

Sultan Palace began to be established by the lane I few months post Giyanti Treaty in 1755. What is said is the former palace of a pesanggarahan [2] named Garjitawati. Houses are used to break the funeral procession of the kings of Mataram (Kartasura and Surakarta) to be buried in Imogiri. Another version states court location is a spring, Pacethokan Bannerman, who was in the middle of the woods Beringan. Before assuming the Sultan Palace, lane I dwell in Pesanggrahan Ambar Ketawang which now includes the District of Dalkeith Sleman [3].
Physically, the palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta has seven core complex is Siti Hinggil Ler (North Hall), Kamandhungan Ler (North Kamandhungan), Sri Manganti, Kedhaton, Kamagangan, Kamandhungan the South (South Kamandhungan), and Siti Hinggil the South (South Hall) [4 ] [5]. Additionally Yogyakarta Palace has a variety of cultural heritage in the form of both ceremonies and ancient artifacts and historic. On the other hand, Sultan Palace is also a traditional institution complete with customary holders. It is therefore not surprising that the values ​​of philosophy as well as mythology surrounds Yogyakarta Palace. And that's in 1995 for the palace complex Ngayogyakarta nominated to be one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Hours: 8:00 to 14:00 pm


Tepas Kaprajuritan: Rp. 3000
Tepas Tourism: Rp. 5000
Permission camera / video: Rp. 1000

Schedule daily show in court

Monday - Tuesday: gamelan music (starting at 10.00 am)
Wednesday: Puppet show stunning (starting at 10.00 am)
Thursday: dance performances (starting at 10.00 am)
Friday: Macapat (starting at 09.00 am)
Saturday: Shadow puppets (starting at 09.30 am)
Sunday: Puppet People & dance performances (starting at 09.30 am)

beringharjo market

Beringharjo Market is a traditional market located in Jl. Gen. A. Yani Malioboro, Yogyakarta. This market is famous for its collection of batik merchandise, either in the form of batik cloth batik or other products such as garments, nightgowns, shorts, pajamas, etc.. What the market is adjacent to the historical museum Vredeburg and opposite the Great House. This market is famous as one tourist destination and is a center of commerce Yogyakarta batik products.

Regional Market Beringharjo originally a forest of banyan trees. Shortly after the founding of Kraton Ngayogyakarta, ie in 1758, the area was used as a place of economic transactions by residents of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Hundreds of years later, in 1925, the transaction place has a permanent building. The name 'Beringharjo' itself is given by Hamengkubuwono IX, meaning that the banyan tree (bering) is expected to provide welfare (Harjo). Now, tourists define this as a pleasant shopping.

The front and rear of the building west market is the perfect place to indulge tongue with traditional snacks. In the northern part of the front, can be found brem round with a softer texture than brem Madison and krasikan (such lunkhead from rice flour, palm sugar, and crushed sesame). In the south, you will find the contents bakpia green beans are usually sold still warm and wet snacks such as hung kwe and nagasari. While the rear generally sell durable snacks such as ting-ting made of caramel mixed nuts.

If you want to buy batik, Beringharjo is the best place for a complete collection of batik. Start batik fabric and ready made garments, cotton and silk, and the price of tens of thousands to a million in this market. Collection of batik cloth found on market stalls north western part. While batik clothing collection is found in almost all the western market. Besides batik clothes, western markets also offer clothes surjan, blangkon, and weaving and batik sarong. Sandals and bags are sold at low prices can be found around the western market escalator.

Walking into the second floor of the eastern market, do not be surprised if jejamuan smell. The place is a center selling herbal ingredients and spices Java. Materials are sold as herbal medicine turmeric is commonly used to make turmeric, tamarind and ginger are used to make the famous herbs are very bitter. Spices offer is ginger (regular processed into drinks or just round baked, boiled and mixed with sugar) and wood (used to enrich flavor drinks such as ginger, coffee, tea and is sometimes used as a substitute for cocoa powder on cappuccino).

The market is also a great place to hunt for antiques. Sentra selling antiques market located on the 3rd floor of the east. In that place, you can find an old typewriter, helmet made in the 60's whose front has limited mica nose and so on. On the same floor, you can hunt for quality secondhand goods if you want. Various kinds of imported used goods such as shoes, handbags, even the clothes are sold at a price much cheaper than the original price is still good quality. Of course it takes foresight in selecting.

Being around on the inside of the market, it was time to explore the area around the market with a bid that is not less interesting. Market Lor region formerly known as Kampung Chinatown is the most famous region. You can find oldies cassettes of musicians in the 50s that are rarely found in other places with the most expensive price of Rp 50.000,00. In addition, there is also a form of metal craft statues of Buddha in various positions for Rp 250.000,00. For collectors of old money, this place also sells old money of the different countries, even those used in the 30's.

If thirsty, drink iced cendol is typical Yogyakarta is an excellent choice. Es cendol Yogyakarta has a richer flavor than ice cendol Banjarnegara and Bandung. It contained not only cendol, but also cam cau (sort of jelly made from cam cau leaves) and white cendol made from rice flour. Other drinks available are coconut ice with sugar syrup and herbs such as turmeric, tamarind and rice kencur. The drink prices were not expensive, only about Rp. 1000 to Rp. 2000.

Although the official market closes at 17:00 pm, but the dynamics of the merchant does not stop at that. The front of the market still offers a wide range of typical snacks. Martabak with different contents, bright moon is legit mixed chocolate and nuts, and klepon delicious sugar content can be purchased every afternoon. Around 18:00 pm until after midnight, there is usually ahead of the market sellers gudeg which also offers variants kikil and stir-stir. While eating, you can listen to the traditional music of Java that played or talk with sellers who usually greeted with the familiar.