
28 March 2013

My Extracurricular

In Senior High School and Junior High School I follow extracurricular. Named PMR. I have unforgettable experience. Because I get many knowledge from this extracurricular. I take Pertolongan Pertama (PP) or first aid. I lean about how to help people if we in serious situation. I learn to help people who has accident, struck of animals poisonous, fracture, etc. First I will tell you how to give first aid for victim of fracture in his forearm, We must agile to prediction the fracture, whether this is extroverted fracture or enclosed fracture. If it is extroverted fracture so we must use "mitela donat" to discover the bone, because there is sticking bone when some one have extroverted fracture. Then give pad on the right side and left side of forearm. After that give splint in the right and left side. Sheaf the splint and pad with "mitela". And pick-aback on your shoulder. Differentiate extroverted and enclosed fracture from utilization "mitela donat". When we overcome enclosed fracture we mustn't use "mitela donat" because there is no sticking bone in there. We enough use mitela, pad and splint to sheaf it.

In my Senior High School I be KKR, Do you know KKR? KKR is Kader Kesehatan Remaja. I be in charge to stay in posyandu. In Posyandu I review about weigh and high a lot of children then measure tension of people. I post this information in book. Every week children come to be examined so that development and growth of children can be discovered. This is the picture when I was stay in posyandu with my friends.

 I ever make palanquin too in this extracurricular. I learn to make it because when we will helpsome one we can use it to carry some one to go safe place. At first I can't make palanquin but step by step I can make this. I very happy when I know the manner How to make palanquin. This is learn from I follow scout extracurricular. This is the picture when I and my Friends make palanquin.

Every Week we clean school, cut the grasses, sweep the floor, burn the trush, etc. We so tired but we happy to do this. We have slogan, there is "SIAMO TUTTI FRATELLI INTERARMACARITAS, One for all, all for one". And every we finish extracurricular we always say that. We are so unified. We always corps in all conditional


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