
27 March 2013

Ayamaru Lake

Ayamaru Lake is one lake located in the province of West Papua. Ayamaru lake located in the District Ayamaru Maybrat district about 216 kilometers west of Sorong. Maybrat District was formed pursuant to Law no. 13 of 2009 on the establishment of Maybrat District, Papua Province.
Lake Village Segior splitting Ayamaru unfolds, Woman, Mefkajem, Kartapura, Mapura, Yukase, Karetubun and Kampung Kali Jitmau and empties into Kais, District Inanawatan, South Sorong regency and partly into Bintuni.
Ayamaru Society has a number of local wisdom associated with the presence of the lake. They believe the spirits of their ancestors inhabit this lake, and give the source of life for a number of derivatives in the form of fish that live in the lake. Therefore, before sailing on the lake for fishing or traveling to other villages, they had permission to ancestral spirits. The yield of fish and shrimp in the lake was so much going on in 1990-1996, believed to be the ancestors delivery. When the ancestors feel cared for, they will give the results to the local population abundance.
Lake Ayamaru is the ancestral heritage for Maybrat major tribes with 12 genera in it, such as clan Solossa, Jitmau, Kambuaya, Lemauk, and Howae. All clan obliged to preserve the lake by not cutting down trees around it because according to their trust, felling trees with shaved hair and shave her ancestors who inhabited the area. Land believed to be the ancestors of the body while the trees as a hair and beauty trimmer ancestors and lakes as sustenance bestowed ancestors to descendants.
Historically, Lake Ayamaru plays an important role in the socio-economic life of the people around the lake either from the transport sector, tourism and fisheries sectors. Historically, Lake Ayamaru traditionally has functioned as a means of traffic of residents prior to any land and air transport to link the villages around the district Ayamaru. Than as a means of transportation, the lake is also a buffer Ayamaru water resources for people and life around him especially because Lake Ayamaru fisheries sector is rich in various kinds of ornamental fish of high economic value. Ornamental fish consists of a variety of colors like reddish, yellow white head and black body and forked tail four. However, not only ornamental fish are in this lake but there are also carp, betik, Satar, Salamande, cork, catfish, tilapia, Sepat, nine black fish, snails lake and some kind of shrimp (kind of red shrimp, yellow shrimp and blue).
In addition to the fishery resource, the lake is also a place which layover Ayamaru Flamingo birds in the intercontinental migration from the continent of Asia to Australia or vice versa. Lake Ayamaru also still rich biodiversity of flora and fauna, among others there are plants, ethnobotany, medicinal plants, wildlife mammals, birds, butterflies, amphibians, reptiles, soil fauna and aquatic and terrestrial insects.
However, the fisheries resources of Lake Ayamaru who entered the territory adminsistration Maybrat District of West Papua are threatened with extinction due to declining water level of the lake has receded about up to about 50 feet even since the last few years most of the area of ​​the lake has dried up, a swamp and a few certain areas have overgrown shrubs / grasses. One cause of the decrease in the surface water of the lake is a good sedimentation that occurs due to natural factors or due to human activities around the lake such as logging and mining activities. In addition to its conditions, fisheries resources in Lake Ayamaru also threatened with extinction due to uncontrolled fishing by fishermen traditionally. This is unfortunate because it is socially lake biota is one of the contact material between the community and the traditional barter system (kona), particularly the border region between regions.
Environmental conditions in the vicinity of Lake Ayamaru not independent of the status of land cover especially the border lakes. In sempadan lake land cover conditions greatly affect the condition of the lake. For example, more and more open land on the border of the lake, it can be expected that the condition will experience pengdangkalan lake due to sedimentation. Therefore, to see the condition of land cover in the vicinity of Lake Ayamaru, the spatial analysis in the buffer area of ​​100 feet on the lake border with Map Image MIH Ayamaru 2010. Based on the analysis, obtained by the lake border area covering 176.69 hectares. From the vast border, approximately 67.87 hectares (38.41 percent) land cover in the form of open land, 48.12 hectares (27.23 percent) of the water body and the rest of the bush area of ​​35.01 hectares (19.82 percent) and mixed garden area of ​​25.68 hectares (14.53 percent). In the border area is 100 meters, there is no more forest land cover in the form of primary and secondary forest. It shows the area around the lake is an area of ​​development Ayamaru including fast when compared with other regions. This is indicated by the amount of open land and mixed farms in the border area of ​​the lake.


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