
31 March 2013

Jungle Town

Every holiday I go swim with my parents and of course with my brother. At that time I was swimming in the Jungle Town. Jungle town is near with my home. We go there by car. We went from our home at 8 AM. We played water and had race of swimming with my brother. I can do breast stroke, back stroke and butterfly, but I think that butterfly more difficult to learn where as breast stroke more easy to learn. Swimming is my hobby because swimming can health our body, and there are many benefit when we swim, and swim means can keep healthy and can save ourselves in some serious situation when we are in the water.

In the Jungle Town there are many foods courts, they sell many meals videlicet ice-cream, pop mie, grilled chicken, spaghetti, etc. And there are many slide, ember tumpah, balloons which the inside is air and we can go inside. My brother and I try to play slide, firstly I was scared to try it because I was afraid with height, but my brother inspirit try to slide, he made me sure to the slide. About 10 minutes later I try to sit in the slide, suddenly from my bottom my brother pushes me until I slide, I so scared but it is fun. My brother and father just laugh me, and I shy because I look like coward. But now I bold to slide. We also tried ember tumpah, we stand under it and we waited in there until water go down, it so engrossed, I hooked to try ember tumpah again. There are also heated pool, and children pool. Heated pool matched for relaxed. Height of children pool about my knee until my feet, so it match for 3 ages, and it is saved because we can rent buoy. If you can't swim you can use this buoy. We so happy because we can swim in there. I swim just with my brother and my father, and my mother just sat in the chair. She can't swim, so she decided to stay in there. After we swim we go to eat, we eat in the food court.

No felt it was at 4 PM, so we took a bath in there. And we got ready to back home. And we were tired because we played and swim all day. It so tired day, but I happy.


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