
30 March 2013


Halooww guys, commonly I will tell you about my experience. This time I will tell you about Bali. I believe that you all certainly know bali, right? Bali is island which famous, Bali famous with all beautiful views especially beach in there, culture in there, traditional food. Bali also famous with traditional dance like kecak. Do you know kecak dance? I ever saw kecak dance. I saw kecak dance at GWK. I certain that you don't know GWK, hahaha.. Oke, I will inform you, GWK is Garuda  Wisnu Kencana. There is the place to show about traditional dance from Bali. The views in GWK so beautiful, we can see around Bali from there. Because Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) was located in place which higher then other place. So we can see from there. In GWK we can find giant statue of Wisnu God. In front of Wisnu God's statue there are many dancer to dance about kecak dance. My prediction that the dancer about 50 people. There are many people around the area for dance. They raise their hand while say "cak cak cak". And they so unified to propel themselves. They propel their selves on the right side and left side. They also stand up with advanced and retreat. It is so unique scenes, you must see this dance. In the other side when the dancer unified to propel, there is other dancer to dance about ramayana's story. This is the story of ramayana

One day live beautiful girl, she is very famous in her village, she is diligent, smart and kind. Her name is Shinta. One day he meet handsome man, he is smart and strong. His name is Rama. Rama and Shinta fall in love each other. Suddenly dasa muka come to kidnap Shinta, because dasa muka jealous with Rama and dasa muka fall in love with Shinta too. Dasa muka will get married with Shinta but Rama thwart the plan of Dasamuka. Rama fight with Dasamuka too help Shinta. Finally Rama can help Shinta from Dasamuka. I remember there is anoman in there but I don't understand about it. I forget the story when anoman come. I think that anoman help Rama to fight Dasamuka. 

After We finish see this traditional dance we take a picture with dancer, we scramble to take a picture with dancer. And I very happy when I get picture with one of dancer. I will go there to see this dance again, because kecak dance is good, if we like to see kecak dance it means that we conserve with traditional dance.


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