
31 March 2013


Last time in my holiday. I went to my grandparents. My grandparents lived in Jogjakarta. Do you know Jogjakarta? Jogjakarta in central java. I went to sleman village by car with my father, mother, and my brother. My brother's name is Reza Aji Nur Pratama. You can call him Reza. At that time we were fasting, but we keep spirit to walked in the kaliurang. There were many seller to sell bacem, ell, meat ball, etc. Actually we were very hungry because smelling of the meals. But we were steadfast to face about it. And we weren't hungry again when we saw beautiful waterfall, and lovely views in there. We saw river with cool water in there. We also saw park and garden in there. In the park me with my brother played swing, although at that time I was Senior High School. I was so Childish. I like to play swing, hahaha

After we played swing in the park, we continued my trip. We went to waterfall. We take a picture in there, but my mother won't take a picture in there because she was very tired so she decided to stop in the middle of our trip. My brother and I played water in there. We so happy because we never played water under waterfall previous.

In kaliurang there are swimming pool, but the swimming pool was full of people because it is weekend. And we weren't swimming in there because we didn't bring swimsuit, towel, soap and shampoo, so we decided to continued our trip.We walked around in kaliurang, we saw merapi mount in there. We rent field glasses to see merapi mount. We were very happy and we weren't tired and hungry. The weather so cold because located of kaliurang is highland area. There are many villas. In java language the meaning of kali is river, and urang is shrimp. So kaliurang is shrimp river. When you go to Jogjakarta you must visit kaliurang. You will be chagrined if you did not visit kaliurang. You will be pampered with beautiful views, cool weather, and delicious meal in there especially about traditional meals. You must try to eat bacem and other traditional meals. You can go there by car, motorcycle, bus and other transportation. If you tired walk around in there you can stay at villa. Kaliurang also has historical story, Long time ago Kaliurang was used to negotiation between Republik Indonesia with Komisi Tiga Negara at 13 January 1948.


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