
05 July 2013

abbreviation words

doubtless you all guess, why do you take "abbreviation word" in your blog? I'm upset because every one in the short message always reply my message with abbreviation word like "y" (in Indonesian) (y=oke). whereas I write long massage, it so annoy guy. and I feel confuse when I chat with "alay" people (exaggerate people). Because I don't understand about their. they always combine numbers with letters, for example :

niluh : don't forget bring management's book, because I want to copy this book, and I need to do   my homework and tomorrow is deadline. and don't forget we meet in library at 3 PM. If you are busy you can contact me and I will decide when we are meet.
aji     : y (oke)
niluh : hmm -___-
aji     : 4much di mAnua? 4quwh di T4 ni
niluh : ??????

it so complicated, right? mainly about abbreviation words, like LOL (laughing Out Loud), ROFL (Rolling On the Floor, Laughing), LMAO (Laughing My As* Off LOL),  BTW (By The Way), ASAP (As Soon As Possible), LMFAO (every day I'm shufle it..) 

can you imagine when every body use abbreviation words in the daily activity?

niluh : d u k m b ? (do you know my bread?)
aji    : n I d k (no, I don't know)
niluh : d u s m b , l a u m , g a f m (definite you steal my bread, look at your mouth, go away from me)
aji    : g, I s, I s s s s s s s (guy, I'm sorry, I'm so so so so so so sorry )

It is veryyyyyyyyyyy complicated, so don't use abbreviation words again.


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