
06 July 2013


Dugderan is a festival to mark the start of the fasting month of Ramadan in which was held in the city of Semarang. Yng celebrations began in the colonial period was centered in the area of ​​Simpang Lima. The celebration was opened by the mayor and enlivened by a number of firecrackers and fireworks (name "Dugderan" is an onomatopoeic sound of the eruption).
In this celebration of diverse goods sold (sort of night market) and in the present often included many links from a number of large industries. Nevertheless, there is one toy that is always associated with this festival, called "warak ngendok".
Dugderan intended other than as a means of entertainment as well as a means of propagation of Islam.

These activities include public markets that began a week before Dugderan, carnival followed by MerahPutih troops, bands, custom clothing forces "Unity in Diversity", cannons, and various potential ngendok warak arts in the city of Semarang. Characteristic of this event is warak Ngendok custom-bodied species of animal-headed goat skin dragon scales of gold, visualization warak ngendok made ​​from colored paper - colorful. The event starts at 08.00 until sunset on the same day also held festivals and Jipin Blantenan warak.


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