
03 April 2013

marina beach

Last holiday I went to marina beach with my school mate and my classmate. They are mujiono, gittrys, seffia, finta and iyud. We went marina beach by three motorcyles. I with seffia, gittrys with iyud and the last finta with mujiono. Seffia, iyud, gittrys and finta are my classmate but mujiono is my schoolmate, although mujiono have different class with us but he prefer associate with us, maybe he feel cozy with us. Mujiono is our best friend. Mujiono is funny boy, he always joke and we very happy to be mujiono's friend. At that time I took a picture in there. We chosen maria beach to took a picture because the views of marina beach match to be background our photos. We have same hobby, there is take a picture especially mujiono.

In marina beach there are many food court


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