
07 May 2013

lingsir wengi

It is said that by listening to the song "ballad Lingsir Wengi" fitting certain times, Kuntilanak will come to see people who listen to it ......

Lyrics like this:
Lingsir Wengi sliramu tumeking sirno ...
Ojo nggonmu bolsters tangi ...
Beware ngetoro jo ...
Wingo Wingo bang me again ...
Devil jin kang utusi not ...
Dadyo any ...
Wojo lelayu sebet ...

In the Indonesian language:
By evening, you will go away ...
Do not get up from your bed ...
Beware do not manifest themselves ...
I'm in a great rage ...
Devil jin and what I tell ...
Brokered ...
To take your life ...

Here is the story of the events experienced by a member Kaskuser:

bbrp years ago I never experienced something like this:

One night I was awakened from sleep tiba2, then I saw my room door open pelan2 ... current state because it samar2 turn off the lights in my room before bed.
Tiba2 heard the strains of songs like Lingsir Wengi Java, but I myself can not speak Javanese, after which a grandmother wearing Javanese came into the room, muttering Java language.

I instinctively fear, but my body can not be moved like crushed, I continued to watch it ... nenek2, tiba2 grandmother was silent and pay attention to me ... and then he chuckled.

After that, the old lady approached me who was still sleeping in the supine position, the grandmother kept mumbling seakan2 Java language are chatting. When grandma was standing near my feet, her small squat and touch my thigh with her finger.

I think this cuman nightmare, but when he touched my thigh ... it feels real ... I had to force myself to revolt and managed to get up while clenching my hands and hit the old woman, but instead wind at my reply. tiba2 grandmother was gone.

I was pouring sweat and breath ...

Well after hearing the song Lingsir Wengi, I was reminded again that incident.

Did you hear it song? Let's continue this story, and this bit of news from Geronimo:

This song became the talk of Geronimo, there are some who feel wadyabala "teased" while asleep after hearing this song ... Panda and Utha do not even want to hear this song ampe abisss .. hehe rumor this song can summon creatures invisible to the eye ...

but do not easily believe his name is gosipp!

Is this true?

This book turned out to play on the Sunan Kalidjaga Originally created, following denial of the song, as reported by the blog :

Very very unfortunate, if anyone considers rumekso ing Wengi ballad is a song / hymn Mbakyu kunti ...
Though Kanjeng Sunan Kalijogo create / make the songs for 'unen2' which in Javanese society / kejawen instead dhikr / wird by Javanese Muslims at the first time after doing evening prayers.

If more scrutiny is known for his songs contain the starting spells of custody,
This song reminds of human behavior in order to draw closer to God Almighty, so that spared from the plagues and catastrophes more awesome. As such we are required to always dutiful, faithful and pious to God Almighty.

While the function is explicitly expressed in the ballad song that sentence, which among others; Repellent custody at night, such as witchcraft, witchcraft, sitting, ngama, thieves, and all the havoc penggawe style. Liberator of all objects. Pemyembuh diseases, including mad. Pageblug liberators. Accelerator mate for spinsterhood. Winning the war. Streamlining the lofty ideals and noble.

Here's the real meaning of the song in Indonesian, please be observed in dealing with the temple where Mbakyu kunti ....

There ballad rumekso ing Wengi (the song playing in the middle of the night). What makes a strong survivor freed
of all diseases. Free from any disaster. Jin and setanpun not want. Any kind of magic did not dare. Moreover misconduct.
witchcraft eliminated. Fire into the water. Pencuripun away from me.
All dangers will vanish.

All diseases come home to the place of origin. View all pests away with love. All the weapons are not effective. Like a fallen cottonwood dibesi. All become tasteless poison. Wild animals become tame. Magic tree, ground anchors, porcupine hole, cave men, sloping land and nest peacock.

Cage all rhinos. Although the rocks and the sea dried up. In the end all slamat. Survived because he was surrounded by nymphs, which are guarded by angels, and the apostles in the shadow of God. My heart and my brain prophet Adam Sis. What I said was the prophet Moses.

My breath is very noble prophet Isa. Prophet Yakup pendenganranku. Prophet David was my voice. Prophet Ibrahim as my life. Prophet Solomon
be kesaktianku. Prophet Yusuf be I look like. Prophet Idris being I look. Ali as my skin. Umar Abubakar my blood and flesh. While Usman as bones.

Fatimah Sumsumku is very noble. Siti Fatimah as my body strength. Later Prophets Job is in my intestines. Noah in the heart. The Prophet Jonah in my brain. My eyes are the Prophet Muhammad. Water my face in the shadow of the apostle Adam and Eve. Then be complete all the apostles, who became one bada.

this 5 mitos :

1. Sunan Kalidjaga

 Sunan Kalidjaga who has little name Raden Said has other names such as Lokajaya, Sheikh Malaya, Prince Tuban, and Abdurrahman Raden. He was the one who creates a song or hymn of the Lingsir Wengi. Obtained Kalidjaga name because he likes bathing in the river when he was in Cirebon. But according to other observers, stating that the word Kalidjaga berasala from the Arabic word "Qadli Dzaqa" which means holy prince of the empire.

2. Means of Da'wah

Sunan Kalidjaga very fond of art, so he used the arts as a tool to spread the religion of Islam at that time. Sunan Kalidjaga use art carvings, puppets, gamelan, as well as singing in his preaching. One of them is that he used the song Lingsir Wengi which contains a prayer to God. In addition, he also created clothes piety, Sekatenan celebrations in Yogyakarta, and others.

3. Java Gending song

Sunan Kalidjaga create Lingsir Wengi ballad using the Java gising Macapat grip. Macapat grip consists of 11 wide grip that one of them is used in the grip Durma Lingsir Wengi.
The songs that use PAKEM Durma should reflect the atmosphere of harsh, grim, gloomy, grief, could even reveal something horrible in life. Therefore, Wengi Lingsir song sung with feeling soft, slow tempo, and very heartbreaking.

4. Reject song Bala

Wengi Lingsir song used by Sunan Kalidjaga after evening prayer that serves to deny reinforcements or prevent acts of supernatural beings who want to disrupt. Besides stating the implied meaning of the song is a prayer to God.
Following lyric:
Lingsir Wengi sliramu tumeking sirno
Ojo tangi bolsters nggonmu
Beware jo ngetoro
I again bang Wingo Wingo
Devil jin kang not utusi
Dadyo any
Wojo lelayu sebet
In the Indonesian language:
By evening, you will disappear
Do not get up from your bed
Beware do not manifest themselves
I'm in great anger
Devil jin and what I tell
To take your life

5. One meaning

Use of this Wengi Lingsir song as background song from the movie ghost Indonesia makes the meaning of this song became one meaning. Thus making the song the audience would be frightened by the arrival of a supernatural being when heard Lingsir Wengi. Lingsir song Wengi also commonly sung by mothers to lull her child at a time when the silent night, the functioning of the child in order to be protected by God. Another name of the song Rumekso Wengi Lingsir Wengi Ing.


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