
02 April 2013


Sangeh is forest which full of monkey in there. This forest is fulled of giant nutmeg trees capable of growing as high as 40 meters. The unique views in sangeh are the hordes of funny monkey usually this monkey stay at temple, pura bukit sari, trees, way to go forest etc. The monkeys of this place believed with resident near sangeh as sacred animal, so if you go there you must be careful with the suspicious behavior from monkeys in this place. You can install strategy to save your treasure. You must conscious that this monkeys are attracted to shiny objects, like earring, necklace, bracelet, ring and may have been your camera became target from monkeys in this place.I have tips to save your treasure if you bring cameras, jeweler or other treasure you should be left behind or kept well hidden under clothes or in a bag when exploring Sangeh Bali. Reputedly this monkeys will attack if you have negative thinking, like you go there to take one of monkeys in there, because you think that this monkey so cute, so you want to bring this monkey to be pet in your home, and for example you go to Sangeh Bali will damage forest in there like that throw away trush in anywhere or you take a leek in anywhere inside this forest, etc. If you have negative thinking like that the monkeys will attack you and they must steal your camera, jeweler, or other treasure which you have. So you must have positive thinking if you want to save you treasure.

The other unique fact is "lanang wadon" tree, do you know about this tree? do you know the meaning of lanang and wadon? lanang wadon is jave language which the meaning of this word are lanang = man and wadon is woman. So the meaning of lanang wadon tree is man woman tree. Lanang wadon tree is tree which part of tree like as shape of genitals of man and genitals of woman. This shape exist at one tree. This tree believed with resident near sangeh as sacred tree. You must behave with this tree, like you don't cut this tree, and you mustn't said impolite in the area which near with this tree. Because if you do this, supra natural spirit will enter your body.

I ever went sangeh and  thank god that I save to past this forest and my treasure keep into my bag.


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