
01 April 2013

Dream land

Dream land is mainstay of tour in Bali, because Dream land have unique views, like big coral reef in edge of the beach. And this place is good for you if you like to take a picture, because the background of this views are so good, and beautiful. You can take a picture in there as pra wedding or other. In the dream land you must try to sunbathe, overlay of white sun can make you feel warm,cozy and the feel of this sand so smooth, so when you lay above this sun you can feel like that. And there are many massagers, if you want massage you can pay about Rp100.000,00. But you will not regret when you visited massager to massage your body, you can relax and that time you can sunbathe too. There are many shelter if you won't sunbathe under sun. So you can choose the match place for you if you massager and you can choose aroma of massage.

If you like to serving Dream land is match for you, because this place have big waves so you can serving above this waves until you feel satisfied. You can rent board if you don't bring boat and you can bring the tools when you are serving. You can take a lesson in there too, but you must make appointment with teacher of serving.

Because of many beautiful views in there and unique views this beach also full of tourist. Like local tourist and foreign tourist. You can talk with foreign tourist if you want to speak in other language so smooth, and you can add your link about foreign tourist and if you lucky you can find your soulmate in this beach. Because this beach so romantic.

Around this beach we can find a lot of seller to sell a lot of souvenir like glasses, hat, sandals, cloths, pans, etc. The price of glasses up to Rp 100.000,00 and up to Rp 50.000,00 for children. But you can bit the seller so that you can get your souvenir with cheap price.

If you visited this beach I certain that you won't go back home because this beach so beautiful although it is night. I think that old for me, all of about dream land which I have to visit this place at I was senior high school. I hope that you interest to visit this time.


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