
03 July 2013

How to lower your chances of getting cancer

8. Protect yourself from the sun. You can cover up your skin with sunblock, hats and sunglasses and stay in the shade.
9.Get your immunizations. For example like that hepatitis B can increase your liver cancer and HPV (Human papillomavirus) can lead to cervical cancer. BE sure to talk to your doctor about what is right you.
10. Visit doctor regularly and get screened.
11. Reduce stress, stress can increase your risk to get cancer.
12. Avoid sugar.  excess sugar  have been linked to breast cancer and all cancer itself undergoes a fermentation like process that requires excess glucose to thrive.
13. Drink much water. It is recommended that you drink minimumof half your body weight in ounces daily.
14.Eat a diet high in anti-oxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E. you can eat oranges to get vitamin C
15. Eliminate hydrogenated fats.
16. Make green vegetables part of every meal like taht cabbage, broccoli, etc
17. Especially include red fruits like strawberries, cherries, and tomatoes in your diet, as they contain chemicals brimming with the anti-oxidant Lycopene.
18. Get your home tested for radon(even if the home is new).

Lets try my recommendation to escape from cancer, keep spirit and smile guys :)


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