
05 April 2013

Benefit of technology

Do we have the wisdom to match our technology?

In my opinion technology is simply the evolution of an idea and is only limited by human creativity. Peter Schwartz, Futurist, reveals where the most important changes will take place and how we will become masters of our own evolution.

As technology evolves, we will witness a healthier and greener future a biological future. We must save our world with technology, don't let technology harm our wold, and we must anticipate in the future use technology. We must be smart to use technology and know about consequence which posed by this technology. Through synthetic biology, foe example, we can modify bacteria to do what we want not what nature wants. Take e-coli. We can turn its waste product into an anti potentially, that waste could even also become diesel fuel. One day, biology will produce hydrocarbon fuels without any CO2 in the process.

As for medicine, it will no longer be about surgery but about natural healing processes. A patient needing a new heart will simply  have one grown for them using their own heart tissue. We will also be close to finding cures for major diseases and living past one hundred could become the norm.

Through such innovation, we will solve many critical issues and transform life for the better. We will move from an age of discovery to an age of mastery.


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