
07 July 2013


when we want to fart, certainly we think twice, there is about people who around you. therefore I will give you tips that people who around you don't aware if you're farting, hahahaha..

because when people know that you're farting, they will leave you and angry with. and then they will mock that you're smelly farting. more ever if you're dating with your close friend absolutely you won't your close friend know that you're farting. it so terrible if your close friend know that you're farting, and if she/he will leave you and you will be "jomblo akut". not only that but also when you're farting in your class as examination when at that time in quiet situation, definitely if you're farting you will be limelight. I can't believe that I fart in this condition.start now you don't worry if you want to fart. I have many powerful tips. this is it :

1. if you want to fart you must speak louder so that people in around you don't hear your fart sound.
2. divert attention, for example : woww what is it? (pointing in another direction)
3. accuse other person if he/she fart
4. immediately cover your nose
5. escape after you fart

is it good tips, right? lay a fart is boon from god, and not good if we hold this. and farting can make body healthy, relieved, and others. if my tips don't work maybe you must consult with doctor.


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