
17 April 2013

Decision or Choice?

Managers are increasingly withholding complex decisions until " all the facts are in " and the situation has been "thoroughly studied," Judgement is suspended until the staff has reported. But finally, when the decision is made at the corporate top, it is neither a decision nor a judgement. It is a choice- and generally not even a choice between alternatives, rather the choice is between accepting or rejecting the staff's elaborately documented and heavily supported proposal. It is, more over, a choice in which the line executive does not so much make a judgment based on his own independent thought as it is his going through a process by which he gives or withholds his blessing of the staff's recommendation  In more advanced or sophisticated, but rate, situations, he is given a set of alternatives from which to choose. He must make a choice or judgment as to which to use, but it is always expected in such cases that the staff will indicate its own preference.


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