
22 April 2013

The Slide Rule versus the Human Rule

The issue is a simple one : What is the relative importance of the slide rule versus the human rule ? the Human rule is more important, even in selling slide rules, than is generally conceded, more important than sellers are generally aware. The ingredient of excitement and other embellishments are central characteristics of the products themselves. They must be viewed as part of the essential characteristics built into the product from the beginning.

The importance of this is further ad perhaps best illustrated to the executive who frequently flies via commercial airline. Consider the setting. Here is  man of solid perspicacity and great responsibility about to enters massive tube of aluminum, plastics, glass, textiles, and copper wire. The tube will take him at incredible speed six miles up into the heavens, where the arctic winds can freeze him into an instant icicle and the air pressure can crush him like a champagne glass. A faulty part in the engine, a minor, defect in the pressurizing equipment, a suddenly berserk pilot, and the executives's life is extinguished. And how does our paragon of the managerial arts decide between TWA, American or United for the 8 A.M trip from New York's La Guardian Airport to Chicago's O'Hare? Ask the man from Mars, and he will be rational a moment to tell you that when his life at stake, man will be rational and decide on the basis of slide rule calculation regarding the safest airline to take. He will want at least to consult CAB records for the airline with the best record.


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