
14 May 2013

Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Do you know bermuda triangle? It so terrible, right?

Bermuda triangle so terrible because more than 1000 ships and planes have disappeared in the triangle area over the past five centuries and continue to do so. Strangely, the ships and aircraft vanish and disappear when everything seems to be okay. This vehicle like vanish and disappear in the air, no detected about this vehicles. It so complicated. Whereas vehicles which pas this bermuda triangle are in good condition. Do you can imagine about this situation? And until now vehicles which disappear and vanish in there not found, and no trail at all. Many people believe that in bermuda triangle there are many devil in there, so that bermuda triangle called as devil's triangle. But in my opinion not devil causes vehicles disappear and vanish but is big magnet so that ship, plane, etc can drag of them.


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